Business Diplomacy Workshop

Surviving & Generating New Business in the 21st Century

– Be the Diplomat of your Company –

“… the idea that successful international business is just a matter of a clear business strategy and good business management is naive and outdated.

International business is conducted together with governments and international & societal organizations” 

Lawton & McGuire, 2001

Business Diplomacy Workshop is a special training program designed for business leaders interested in becoming more competitive, by utilizing methods and techniques from diplomacy.

Who Should Attend:

– CEOs, COOs, Board Members and Vice-presidents;

– Business Owners;

– Executive Managers, Business development, Human Resources, Purchasing, Customer Relationship, Sales & Marketing;

– Government and officials, International relations experts;

– Young professionals.

It is participative and interactive, so that the participants acquire not only the necessary knowledge but also the relevant soft skills they need to anticipate threats and exploit business opportunities arising from geopolitical changes, build strategic alliances to avoid conflicts and protect their interests, address the issues and develop international businesses. The workshops therefore focus on relevant case and simulation exercises where the participants can test the analytical and strategic skills which they have acquired during the workshop.

This session of the Business Diplomacy workshop will help the participants to gain a diplomat perspective, on how to manage delicate topics, generate resilience, assure the continuity and develop new business in a very sensitive environment.


At the end of the workshop, participants will:

Improve the capabilities to develop effective end to end new market entry action plans  as well as business strategies to mitigate the knowable risks, seize opportunities & influence outcomes in a V.U.C.A world.

Learn how to develop contact networks of influence and information among the key state and non-state actors. Know your partners better.

Be able to identify the key factors and influencers, who shape positively & negatively the company´s risk profile and how this impacts on it`s operations elsewhere;

Get an appreciation of the nature of the 21st century business environment, understand the future market trends, increase the forecasting capacity and Generate enterprise resilience against shocks;

When you need Business Diplomacy

Penetrating new markets

Developing the business in the local market

Making Strategic Business Alliances

Managing Geopolitical and different kind of risks in business

Key Trainer – Shaun RIORDAN

Shaun Riordan is a Senior Visiting Fellow of the Clingendael Netherlands Institute for International Relations, a member of the social media team for The Hague Journal of Diplomacy and a senior analyst with Wikistrat. 

He collaborates closely with The United Nations Institute for Training and Research – UNITAR on digital and cyber diplomacy and is a member of the Public Diplomacy Advisory Panel of The Sustainable Development Goals Fund SDGF. He also works as an independent consultant on geopolitical risk and diplomacy for governments, Spanish companies and Anglo-American hedge funds.

Shaun spent 16 years in the British Diplomatic Service, including postings to New York, Beijing and Madrid and stints in the Counter-Terrorist and Yugoslav Departments of the Foreign Office in London.


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