Business Diplomacy Conference

Business Diplomacy© este parte din Programul Diplomacy360©, si are ca obiectiv transferul de competente din diplomatie in business.

The Geopolitics and Diplomacy of Emerging Disruptive Technologies

International Conference

21st of March 2024, Athénée Palace Bucharest, Le Diplomate Hall



08:45 – 09:30 — Registration, Welcome Coffee & Networking

09:30 – 10:00  Official opening

Mr. Claudiu LUCACI – Conference Moderator

Opening remarks: Mr. Valentin PREDA – founder Diplomacy360

Message of the Prime Minister of Romania H.E. Mr. Marcel CIOLACU delivered by Mr. Nicolae COMĂNESCU, State Counsellor for Foreign Policy and Strategic Affairs

Mr. Valeriu ZGONEA – President of ANCOM – National Authority for Management and Regulation in Communications

Mr. Mihnea COSTOIU – Rector of the University Politehnica of Bucharest

Mr. Preetam MALOOR – Head of the Emerging Technologies Division at the International Telecommunication Union (online from ITU Geneva)

10:00 – 11:00 Panel 1:  Emerging Disruptive Technologies in the geopolitical arena

H.E. Mr. Kap-soo RIM – Ambassador of the Republic of Korea

Mr. Rami Teplitskiy, Deputy Chief of Mission – Embassy of Israel

Mr. Ionut-Marian STROE, Vice-Chairperson, Committee for information technologies and communications, Chamber of Deputies

Moderator: Mr. Shaun RIORDAN – Director of the Chair in Diplomacy and Cyberspace at the EIIS

Major powers, in general, prefer to avoid direct military conflict because of the risks of escalation. Great power rivalries therefore tend to be fought out in other areas like trade and technology. This has been evident in restrictions on the trade in high technology products (e.g. microchips), the adoption of technological superiority as a measure of Great Power status and the debates about the security of 5/6 G networks. Harmonising 5G networks (which may include issues surrounding the forthcoming 6G mobile telephony) and the issues surrounding digital inclusion.
The panel will explore how governments use EDTs to pursue national interests and geopolitical rivalries. The reduction of access to key raw resources and components (chip wars). The threats to underwater internet cables and other key infrastructure. Concerns about cybersecurity and dependence on components from geopolitical rivals. The conflicts over 5G and 6G and the threat to international industrial standards.

11:00 – 11:15 — Coffee Break & Networking

11:15 – 12:15 Panel 2:  The International Challenges of AI

H.E. Ms Willemijn van Haaften – Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands

H.E. Dr. Peer GEBAUER – Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany

Mr. Andi CRISTEA – MP, General Rapporteur on science and technology impact assessment and Rapporteur on the Metaverse file for Council of Europe

MG (Ret.) Paul HURMUZ – Career Military Diplomat

Moderator: Manuela CATRINA – Deputy Director of Romanian National Cyber Security Directorate

The geopolitics of AI – virtual and physical infrastructure. AI poses new challenges to cybersecurity. It can enhance both cyber offence and cyber defence, potentially leading to an AI arms race between cyber-attack and defence.
The development of even newer technologies like quantum computing have implications for encryption, key to the safe transfer of data. How to prevent an ever grater digital divide. Regulating how AI is used and to prevent the reinforcement of existing discrimination and prejudice.

AI has its own dependencies in terms of energy consumption and rare earth materials which could further increase cyber dependencies. AI in automotive industry.
Opportunities and threats of using AI in managing international relations.
International norms on human oversight of AI.

Military uses of AI and Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems.

12:15 – 12:30 —  Coffee Break & Networking

12:30 – 13:30 Panel 3:  Technology Companies as Geopolitical Actors

H.E. Ms Therese HYDEN – Ambassador of the Kingdom of Sweden

H.E. Mr. Uffe A. BALSLEV – Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark

Ms Alexandra OLARU – Director Legal & External Affairs, Vodafone

Mr. Simion-Dorin RUSU – Government Affairs Manager Romania&Baltics&CIS, Microsoft

Moderator: Mr. Valentin PREDA – founder DIPLOMACY360

Conference Rapporteur: Mr Emanuel CERNAT – Managing Partner: Corporate Affairs Strategies

Explore how the major internet and technology companies increasingly act as geopolitical actors in their own right, whether shaping the geopolitical environment, being used as tools in geopolitical rivalries or directly participating in geopolitical conflicts.
The implications for government diplomacy including engaging with internet and technology companies in debates about international technology regulation.
Some countries have appointed ambassadors to the tech sector to engage with these companies on political and geopolitical as well as commercial issues. This panel will discuss the best ways of engaging with technology and internet companies, including the idea of “techambassadors”,

How technology and internet companies can develop their own Techplomacy for engaging with governments and other actors.

13:30 – 15:00 — Lunch Break & Networking

The event will be held in English language.

Alte Conferinte organizate in programul Business Diplomacy

Conferinta anuala – editia a V-a



Business Diplomacy© este parte din Programul Diplomacy360©, si are ca obiectiv transferul de competente din diplomatie in business.

Remarcandu-se deja prin obiective si o agenda de exceptie, programul – care se afla la al saptelea an, se adreseaza in aceeasi masura oamenilor de afaceri, managerilor si persoanelor cu putere de decizie in companii romanesti sau internationale, precum si altor experti in relatii internationale din tara si strainatate. Nu in ultimul rand, Business Diplomacy este de interes si pentru diplomati si functionari publici cu activitate in domenii cu legaturi cu afacerile si diplomatia.

In cadrul Programului, participantii se vor familiariza in principal cu modalitatile prin care liderii de business interesati sa devina mai competitivi, pot dobandi:

  • metode si tehnici specifice diplomatiei, pentru a anticipa amenintarile si a exploata multiplele oportunitati de afaceri aparute ca urmare a schimbarilor geopolitice;

  • competente pentru evitarea conflictelor si construirea unor aliante strategice pentru a-si proteja interesele, rezolva problemele si dezvolta afacerile. 

  Pentru a opera sustenabil si a-si proteja interesele pe piete, companiile trebuie sa-si dezvolte competente interne care sa le permita crearea, cultivarea si managementul relatiilor de nivel inalt, cu grupuri de interese internationale, factori guvernamentali, neguvernamentali si private influenti si relevanti pentru activitatea companiei.

Programul Business Diplomacy a debutat in anul 2014, printr-o serie de workshopuri si conferinte initiate de catre Bursa Romana de Afaceri avand ca scop intelegerea necesitatii utilizarii tehnicilor si strategiilor diplomatice in mediul de Business.

Incepand cu anul 2018, programul s-a completat si cu Module de Training in Business Diplomacy, adresate in special oamenilor de afaceri si decidentilor din companiile romanesti interesate sa isi extinda business-ul local si internatinoal, precum managerilor executivi si angajatilor companiilor internationale.

Conferintele Business Diplomacy se desfasoara in contextul in care paradigmele de business se schimba rapid, fiind sensibil influentate de factori geo-politici, tehnologici si economici care nu mai tin doar de elementul national, iar decidentii in afaceri trebuie sa isi gaseasca noi metode si tehnici pentru a reusi.


BUSINESS DIPLOMACY Conference – 9 Noiembrie 2017

Panelul a fost compus din 19 speakeri din tara si strainatate (diplomati, oameni de afaceri si experti in relatii internationale). Programul conferintei aici.

Conferinta de tip maraton s-a desfasurat pe durata a sapte ore in prezenta a peste 160 de participanti si a supus dezbaterilor publice modalitatile prin care diplomatia ii poate ajuta pe oamenii de afaceri sa anticipeze riscurile, sa identifice si exploateze noi oportunitati de business intr-un mediu de afaceri global, complex si volatil.

Mai multe detalii aici despre Conferinta din 2017, Conferinta din 2016 si Workshop-ul din 2015.

conferinta business diplomacy 2017 sheraton sah bucuresti romania
business diplomacy bucuresti 2017 shaun colin
business diplomacy 2017 dante glavan


Programul de Business Diplomacy consta in conferinte , workshopuri si o serie de module de training care sa intareasca capacitatea interna a companiilor de a face fata provocarilor externe organizatiei, si a isi dezvolta competente specifice diplomatiei pentru solutionarea problemelor si imbunatatirea performantei business-ului.

Modulele de Training in Business Diplomacy pot fi adaptate activitatii si nevoilor companiilor, fiind disponibile si module personalizate care sa se deruleze in interiorul acestora.


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